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What are the Benefits of Temporary Work After Retirement

As we continue through 2023 and the jobs market continues to be more than a little uncertain, it seems more organisations are choosing to take on temporary staff than ever before. And it’s clear why: Agency Work provides flexibility to both employees and employers, and it can be a very useful way for businesses to assess the suitability of candidates- and indeed for candidates to assess businesses too.


And the benefits don’t end there. For those looking into a career change, Agency Work can be the perfect solution. Likewise, for those looking to progress within a certain industry but who aren’t sure which organisation is right for them, Agency Work helps them build valuable skills and experience as they work. And not to mention the invaluable position they’re in compared to external candidates when a permanent position comes up too.


But when it comes to Agency Work after retirement, are the benefits just as worthwhile? So-called ‘un-retiring’ has become more popular in recent years, and it seems many are choosing to return to work on a temporary basis these days. Here are just a few reason why we think this could be a good decision for you too:


Agency Work is a great transition into retirement. For so many retirees, suddenly needing to fill entire days after having been employed for the previous 40+ years can be difficult. The empty schedule can be a hard transition to make, yet the idea of leaving the 9-5 is just as alluring. So temporary work can be the perfect way to bridge the gap, providing you with a chance to carry on using your skills and knowledge, but to a more flexible timetable of your own choosing.


Agency Work can be an excellent transition into a totally different career. Maybe you’ve taken early retirement but you’re just not ready to stop working altogether? Maybe you want to start your own business? Agency Work could be the stepping-stone you need. You could find yourself a whole new career, albeit a little later in life.


Agency Work can be financially advantageous. You’ve worked all those years before retiring, you still want to use your skills and knowledge, and you know that plenty of businesses will pay handsomely for it. So why not become an Agency Worker? Work the hours that suit you and provide a top-class service on your own terms. Most employers know they would only have to invest more time and money in training should they take on a younger, less experienced Agency Worker.


And let’s not forget the fact that retirement can quickly eat into your savings. Agency work that you enjoy can be a fantastic way to keep finances up for a while.


Agency Work helps you keep your skills sharp. Retirement doesn’t swallow up your skills and expertise overnight. Rather- through Agency Work- it can be a time where you can continue to use your knowledge, doing the bits of your job you enjoy most, the parts you know you excel in, and to a schedule that suits you. 


Temporary work can be a great way to keep your body and mind active when you retire, plus a great opportunity to gain new skills too. After all, you’re never too old to learn something new!


Agency Work helps to keep enthusiasm alive. If you’re working on a project you’ve selected, with an organisation you’ve chosen, you’re much more likely to experience a real fire in your belly. Now is the time where you can pick and choose, take on the tasks that you know you’re good at and that you enjoy.


Agency Work won’t always lead to a permanent position, and quite possibly that’s ok. When you’re a retiree, you might not want to fully get back into the working world- and that’s ok too.  But knowing that the possibility is there to work where you want and when you want is incredibly freeing.


Agency Work can help build new friendships. Retirement doesn’t need to be lonely, but the reality is that for some it can be a little isolating- especially so if you’re used to being part of a lively team at work. Temporary work helps you to continue socialising, and on your own terms too.


Contact Abacus today if you’d like to discuss possible Agency Work options, to find out how we can help you.